Personal Real estate servive in Helsinki-Espoo-Vantaa area

Did you know that the size of the real estate company doesn`t matter in terms of  sales or visibility. Every real estate agent has access to same tools. Only expertise matters. 

From me you get full turnkey service, without hidden costs, in competitive price. Because we offer personal and premium quality real estate service, we give a guarantee to our work; No sale, no costs.

Follow us on Instagram - we are active there @private.lkv

Flexible schedules

When you want an appraisal, you can get it even at same day. As a private company our advantage is 24/7 service.


We do things professionally and quickly. Waiting is not in our vocabulary.

Customer service

Warm and caring customer service applies both to you as a client as well as future buyers.


All-round legal knowledge and expertise in real estate- and apartment transactions, RS-projects, building projects and building site evaluations.


Correct pricing in listings as well as in our fees are in center when you want the best result for all parties.


Well executed and fare deal is a matter of honor to us. That is why we give a guarantee to our service.